The Top Things To Do In Hamburg

Plants and Flowers

Planten un Blomen, a 47-hectare urban park in Hamburg, is well-known. The Old Botanical Garden, which was established in the area in 1821, is still active and one of the park’s most popular attractions.

Even though it is the most popular park in Hamburg, don’t be deceived into believing it will be overcrowded. It is always relaxing and nice to visit.

There are also five interconnected greenhouses in Planten und Blomen, the most famous of which is the Schaugewaschshaus, the largest of which can be visited.

St. Michael’s Cathedral

St. Michael’s Church is steeped in history and folklore. Aside from being Hamburg’s largest church, it is also the third church to be built in this precise location.
St. Michael’s Church, which was built in 1912, features a 65-foot-tall altar, five organs, a deck, and a crypt. The church’s tower also houses the largest clock bell in all of Germany. 2,000 persons are also buried beneath the church, specifically in its crypt.
When visiting the church, you should not skip going to the top and taking in the view.

Yes, it’s a bit of a climb up the stairs, but it’s well worth the panting and puffing till you reach the top.

Maritime Museum of the World

The International Maritime Museum, located in Hamburg’s HafenCity district, is an excellent place to stop while you wander the city streets.

Book these International Maritime Museum tickets to skip the lines and go straight inside.

Once inside, you’ll be able to examine the massive model ships and thousands of artefacts that make this place so unique.

You could easily spend hours inside.

Wunderland in Miniature

Miniatur Wunderland does not require the presence of a youngster – believe me!

Visiting is one of the top things to do in Hamburg and one of the city’s most popular attractions.

Miniatur Wunderland provides visitors with a variety of entertaining activities as well as a captivating experience. Even if you’re not interested in models or anything else.

The largest model train show in the area is a must-see, and you can see an international voyage take place from America through Austria, Scandinavia, Italy, and Germany via this railway display.

Coffee Museum in Hamburg

You might be surprised to learn that Hamburg is home to the world’s largest coffee distributor. Hamburg is the world’s de facto Coffee Capital.

Kaffeemuseum Burg is a coffee museum in Hamburg where you can learn about coffee, its history, and how to locate good quality coffee.


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